Unity - это мультиплатформенный инструмент для разработки игр, с самого начала создаваемый чтобы облегчить вам творчество.
Год: 2012
Размер: 563 Мб
Версия: 3.5.1 Build f2
Разработчик: Unity Technologies
Разрядность: 32bit
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Системные требования
System Requirements for Unity Authoring
Windows: XP SP2 or later; Mac OS X: Intel CPU & "Leopard" 10.5 or later. Note that Unity was not tested on server versions of Windows and OS X.
Graphics card with 64 MB of VRAM and pixel shaders or 4 texture units. Any card made in this millennium should work.
Using Occlusion Culling requires GPU with Occlusion Query support (some Intel GPUs do not support that).
The rest only depends on the complexity of your projects!.
System Requirements for Unity iOS Authoring
An Intel-based Mac
Mac OS X "Snow Leopard" 10.6 or later
The rest only depends on the complexity of your projects!
System Requirements for Unity Android Authoring
In addition to the general system requirements for Unity Authoring
Windows XP SP2 or later; Mac OS 10.5.8 or later
Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK)
System Requirements for Unity-Authored Content
Windows 2000 or later; Mac OS X 10.4 or later.
Pretty much any 3D graphics card, depending on complexity.
Online games run on all browsers, including IE, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome, among others.
Android authored content requires devices equipped with:
Android OS 2.0 or later
Device powered by an ARMv7 (Cortex family) CPU
GPU support for OpenGLES 2.0 is recommended
Unity содержит полный набор качеств профессионального приложения и "совсем случайно" содержит наиболее мощный движок по эту сторону миллиона долларов.
PvrTexTool updated to version Textures with alpha can now be compressed in Best mode with PVRTC.
iOS: Added support for "retina" iPad splash screens and icons.
Android: Added support for AndroidJavaClass marshaling.
Android: Removed excessive logging when using AndroidJavaObject et al.
iOS: Added iOS 5.1 selected in Player Settings.
iOS: Added iPhoneGeneration.iPad3Gen.
The Unity version number is always printed to the log file.
Android: APK files created from Eclipse could sometimes not be read, causing the application to close immediately.
Android: If the Java classpath did not include the current directory ('.') the APK signing step would fail.
Audio: Fixed audio playback parameters being clamped incorrectly when too many audio sources are playing at the same time.
Editor: Fixed hang when building very large amounts of asset bundles.
Editor: Fixed static batching not working when loading level through Application.LoadLevel().
Editor: When entering play mode hide the 'default' quality settings as they are stripped for build.
Editor: Fixed out of memory crash while building when having many resources in resource folder.
Editor: Fixed rare crash when importing material with bumpmap shader but bumpmap texture was not assigned.
Editor: Fixed rare crash that could occur if user had changed gizmo icon on asset.
Editor: Fixed crash that would happen if you tried to get the asset path of the material passed to AssetPostprocessor.OnAssingMaterialModel.
Editor: Fixed bug where animation window would say an animation event has no receivers, when there are multiple MonoBehaviours.
Editor: Fixed bug where building a scene asset bundle would give incorrect error messages.
Editor: Fixed title of File saving dialog when building for NaCl (it incorrectly said "Unsupported Build Target").
Editor: Fixed editor freezing while debugging in some situations.
Editor: Fix for a situation where changing color in the gradient editor could change color of a previous edited colorfield. (OSX issue only)
Editor: Fixed shutting down the editor process when opening another or new project from within the editor. (Windows issue only)
Editor: Fixed crash when incorrect assembly is loaded in some rare scenarios.
Graphics: Fixed static batching adding extra polygons(meshes) because of extra(unused) materials on input meshes.
Graphics: Fixed projector culling so it only renders objects inside projector.
Graphics: Fixed shader compilation for shaders that used a lighting function needing view direction (e.g. BlinnPhong) and passed the 'dualforward' surface directive parameter.
Graphics: Removed warnings that can be safely ignored ("InsideCameraRender" and "VertexCompNone" warnings).
Graphics: Fixed lens flare rendering when deferred lighting with an image effect (with the ImageEffectOpaque attribute) was used and there was transparent geometry in the scene.
iOS: Fixed basic license splash screen issue when application is built with Xcode 4.3.x.
iOS: Fixed problem when logging to console via System.Console.Write* or JS/Boo print() was throwing exception on iOS 5.1 non-development devices.
Memory management: Reduced fragmentation in the heap allocators.
Memory management: Fixed race condition in realloc.
Mobile: Fixed random crashes with skinned meshes (Cloth in call stack). Re-enabled cloth simulation.
Mobiles: Fixed skinning performance regression.
Mobiles: Fixed performance regression with GuiTexture on Adreno devices.
MonoDevelop: Fixed a case where opening a newly-added script from Unity wouldn't cause the script to get focus.
Native Client: Fixed loading JPEG files as textures using WWW class.
OS X and Windows: Fixed very rare crash in SSE mesh skinning code.
OS X: Fixed standalone crash bug, where it would crash immediately on startup when the "Restore Windows" requester would appear after a previous crash.
Profiler: Fixed an issue where the player might crash when 'Autoconnect Profiler' was selected.
Substance: fixed colors being shuffled in the editor during the build process if "Fastest" quality mode is selected.
Web Player: Prevent Internet Explorer from crashing when more than one tab is used.
Web Player: Prevent Firefox from hanging on exit.
Web Player: Fixed bug where editor built incorrect data for compressed meshes in the webplayer.
Web Player: Make input more responsive for 2.x content.
Web Player: Fixed crash when assetbundle download was canceled.
Web Player: Fixed BeginScrollView missing method exception in 3.4 content.
Windows: Fixed a crash when using SkinnedCloth and switching into fullscreen mode.
Fixed issue where AssetBundle.Unload(false) caused lots of error messages to be printed when calling Resources.UnloadUnusesAssets () or loading a level.
Fixed out of memory crash when loading a corrupted .prefab file.
Fixed memory manager race condition.
Realtime only lights only affect dynamic geometry. This is the same behaviour as 3.4. Once content is published with 3.5 the fixed renderloop is used.
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