KaZachya.net > Программы > 100 + Exclusive Adobe Afters Effects Tutorials Video Copilot [ raj11, English, 2011 ]
100 + Exclusive Adobe Afters Effects Tutorials Video Copilot [ raj11, English, 2011 ]17-02-2011, 23:18. Разместил: Userok |
![]() Name: 100 + Exclusive Adobe Afters Effects Tutorials Video Copilot Year: 2011 Language: English Size: 6.96 Gb Quote: all with files project .aep - Basic Training - AE Presets Basic Training | 395MB 00. Welcome 01. Introduction 02. Effects 03. Animation 04. Keying & Transparency 05. Motion Tracking 06. Time Remapping 07. 3D Integration 08. Titles 1 and 2 09. Expressions 10. Rendering here is al 100 tutorials that has the web up to the date | 5.77GB 01. Basic Sky Replacement 02. Deinterlacing in AE 03. Old-Film Effect 04. Introduction to After Effects 05. Camera Shake with the Wiggler 06. 3D Compositing Basics 07. Advanced Blemish Removal 08. Text Blur Title Effect 09. Speed Up After Effects with Proxies 10. Basic Color Keying 11. Introduction to HDRI & 32bpc 12. Fast & Elegant SlideShows 13. Assisted Suicide 14. Simple Bleach Bypass 15. Simulating Depth of Field 16. Creating a Flip-Book Effect 17. 3D Reflections in After Effects 18. Light Streaks 19. Frame Rate Converter 20. Light Sabers Version 1 & Version 2 21. Simulated Light Effects 22. Fun with Ink Spatter 23. Moving 3D Lines 24. Blood Splattering on a Tree! 25. Light Streaks Again?! 26. EarthQuake Control in 32bpc! 27. Create a Cool 3D Room with nice title! 28. Animate Realistic Gun Blow Back 29. 300-like Speed Ramps & More! 30. 3D Stroke Effect with no Plug-in 31. 3D Reflections with Refraction! 32. Create a 3D Ocean 33. Graffiti Writing 34. Fly By Titles 35. Jumpy Text 36. Time Freeze 37. 3D Camera Projection 38. 3D Camera Projection 2 39. 3D Vanishing Point 40. Earth Zoom 41. The Blue Planet 42. Advanced Sky Replacement 43. Demon Face Warp 44. Day to Night Conversion 45. Set Extensions 46. Virtual 3D Photos 47. Audio to Animation 47.5. 3D Text in 3DS Max 47.6. 3D Titles in Cinema 4D! 48. P1, P2, P3. Medical Zoom 01-03 48. P4. Riot Gear Promo Title 49. Magic Glass 50. Skin Displacement 51. Evolution Preview 52. Dead Planet 53. Planet Explosion 54. Advanced Camera Tips 55. Eye Replacement 56. 3D Eyeball 57. Water Drops 58. Fancy Title Plate 59. Frosty Breath 60. The Healer 61. Growing 3D Vines 62. Colorful Universe 63. Smoke Screen 64. Stabilize Shaky Footage 65. AE Bump Maps 66. 3D Sparks Title 67. Advanced Car Hit 68. Energy 69. 3D Offset 70. Speed Particles 71. 3D Shadows 72. Meteor Crash 3D p1 73. Meteor Crash AE p2 74. 3D-Crater p1 (Boujou) 75. 3D-Crater p2 (3DS MAX) 76. 3D-Crater p3 (AE) 77. Soul Removal 78. Energy Wipe 79. Organic Mesh in 3D Max 80. 3D Falloff 81. Spin Orbs 82. Energetic Titles 83. Presets & More 84. Futuristic HUD 85. The Ring 86. Fracture Design 87. 3D City 88. Disintegration 89. Soft Shadows 3Dmax 90. Ancient Titles 91. DVD Authoring 92. Blueprint Reveal 93. 3D Light Casting 94. Particle Explosion 95. Scene Re-Lighting 96. Submerged 97. Lightning Strike 97_P2. Lightning Explosion Part 2 98. Reflection Plug-in 99. Dynamic Bar Graphs 100. Glass Orbs AE Presets | 467MB 00. Installing Presets 01. Film Fade Transition 02. Fast Film Grain 03. Auto Bright Lens Flare 04. Quick 3D Reflections 05. Bloom Transition 06. Aspect Ratio Letterbox 07. Day for Night Starter 08. After Shake 09. Gradient Gel 10. Light Sabers 11. Light Sabers V2 12. Frame Rate Converter 13. 3D Orbit Tool 14. Sure Target 15. 3D Falloff 16. Reflection Plug-in 17. Presets and More Cкaчaть 100 + Exclusive Adobe Afters Effects Tutorials Video Copilot [ raj11, English, 2011 ] Для просмотра скрытого текста необходимо зарегистрироваться или войти на сайт. Вернуться назад |