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Earworms Rapid French Vol. 1-2 (аудиокурс)

3-02-2012, 09:24. Разместил: dlanego
 Earworms Rapid French Vol. 1-2 (аудиокурс)

Earworms Rapid French – это легкое, приятное, быстрое и эффективное изучение французского языка через музыку. Путем простого прослушивания музыкального аудиоприложения вы будете подознательно запоминать необходимые слова и выражения в правильном произношении и с разными интонациями.

Effortless, enjoyable, fast and effective language learning through music.
The term earworms or catchy tunes refers to those songs which you hear a few times and then just can t get out of your head. Berlitz Earworms ® Rapid Languages puts the words and phrases you need not just on the tip of your tongue, it transports them deeply into your long-term memory, ready for instant recall.
Simply listen to the music CD filled with rhythmic repetitions a few times and listeners will subconsciously acquire a collection of verbs, nouns and connecting words, all the while picking up the correct accent. This is your survival kit of immediately useful words and phrases for your visit abroad. Listen a few times to be able to ask for a table in a restaurant, order food and drink, take a taxi, rent a car, buy tickets, deal with money, numbers, times and days, ask for directions, deal with typical problems, hold a simple conversation and more.
Volume 1 deals with the essentials for your visit abroad. It covers typical situations, polite phrases, finding your way, numbers, how to deal with problems, and so on.
What Makes It So Effective?
*Effortless, enjoyable and effective
*Essential phrases for your trip abroad
*Words anchored deeply into your memory by gentle repetition to music
*Stimulating and self-motivation through real rapid progress
*Developed by language teaching experts
*Target language spoken by native speakers
*Pronunciation acquired automatically
*Listen and learn, anytime anywhere
*Phrase book included

Название: Earworms Rapid French Vol. 1-2
Автор: Berlitz
Издательство: Inc. Berlitz International
Год: 2008
Серия: Berlitz Earworms ® Rapid Languages
Язык: английский, французский
Формат: PDF, mp3 (192 kb/s), mp4a (128 kb/s)
Размер: 170 Мб

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